I arrive to shutters closed and empty streets: a town taking its siesta. I roam. Think a hostel is the cheapest lodging. Alarmed at prices. Taken in red truck to another. Don´t like Carlos, the driver, the owner. Must go to this rock structure and that hidden river, he urges. The center isn´t worth anything, he informs me. Look at the pool, you could sunbathe...here is your room with out a window. thanks, will decide after... Chao. Chao.
More roaming. Closed hotel number 1. Closed hotel number 2. Finally Los 3 Gomez (a hostel, but clasified as hospedaje) come to the door, show me the patio with real grapes hanging from the terrace and i take bed number 2. Go to the bathroom, make my bed, pay, finish The Diary by the author of Fight Club and go off to wander and explore, to practice with out knowing what the french call flaner (the a with a dart above it). I become a flaneur (the a with a dart above it) who searches, looks, examines, goes forward, sweetly circling and arriving finally....and that is how it has been explained to me by a young argentine visiting paris in 1846. I think I might find a zen monastery or a sunny rock with a view. I happen upon the later greeted by a man bent at the waste walking. Hola linda, haces bien, haces bien, he yells after me, waving, animating me.
Sunset, cold, hungry, must go. On the way back I keep my eye on the man up high posed like Zorro on top of a red boulder with his horse. Lose him to the sun, stop to buy goat´s cheese for my hike tomorrow, but no. Not now. Not until November. November to March is the season for goats cheese. Even during mating season the sign is up to entice the ignorant. So instead, I buy some yoguhrt and water and sit to care for my stomach that seems to be cured.
After an apple as I walk and an espresso as I read, I shop for dinner and tomorrow´s supplies. And now,
now that all have gone out in the cool, evening breeze, i have come in to cook sipping wine, listen to calexico, and read cortázar.
these are my actions.
capilla del monte, argentina
april, 2009
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